Creeping back hat in hand and looking suitably humble, I think I have been well and truly put right, and people do read and apparently enjoy my posts even if they don’t say so, so maybe I shouldn’t be so touchy, and just keep scribbling away and leave it at that, I thank all of you for taking the trouble to encourage me to do so. , and also i won’t feel quite so bad if I don’t always get round everyone or fail to leave a comment. It used to bug me a little.
Sandi I don’t think I have your blog address, and can’t understand why it won’t let you post, and Horst I find in Blogger that not getting notification of who has left a comment and with the option to reply, is a slight drawback in Blogger, I have had people ask questions or request info, and answered them but no follow up means I don’t know whether or not the help or answer was useful. Oh well not to worry I’ll just babble away when the mood takes me as of now.
I’ve spent two days in the garden, hoping to get it all in shape before the summer really sets in and I can sit back and enjoy, The result of that activity is that the ironing has piled up, as has the housework, I haven’t dusted nor vacuumed for about four days. But I know I have to make the most of this lovely weather while it lasts.
i pulled an old tree out and took down some old trellis, and have been breaking it up to take to the tip.
I’ve come in for a quick bite to eat then I’ve got to replace the trellis with some new stuff, My blinking back aches, but I’ll soldier on.
I started to watch Mama Mia on TV last night, and thought it was awful, can’t see what everyone was raving about, obviously it wasn’t my taste.
My daughter phoned me yesterday to say she’d fallen in the bath and taken a nasty knock, she cut her lip bashed her cheek and chin, and hurt her shoulder, despite my urging she wouldn’t go to A&E, she says she’ll see what it’s like when the swelling goes down. She could have broken her nose or knocked her teeth out. She said she slipped on the bath mat when she was getting out of the shower, it is one of these shiny surface ones and it had obviously got soapy, she’s going to buy one with an orange peel surface, You never stop worrying about them.
It is a beatiful day here the birds are singing their heart’s out, with the Blackie going full belt. One of my favourite sounds, I also like to hear the tinkle of china tea cups, when you stir the tea, and talking of tinkles, tinkly piano music a la Debussy. Well folks comment or not, that’s your lot for now, back to the garden. Byeeeeeeeeeeee
One more thing, I lost Tango this morning, he ran down to the beach on the left, by the time I got down he was nowhere in sight, I asked if someone had seen him and he’d gone to the beach on the right, we kept catching sight of him then he’d disappear behind the bushes, looking for me, as he’s getting deaf he couldn’t hear me call, to cut a long story short, after several people looking out for him, a lady caught him, put him on a leash, and signalled me to fetch him, by this time I was going frantic, so put his own leash on and went home..
This was him last night having a nice zoooozz
Ruby had stolen a nap in his bed.
Arlene, I for one, enjoyed your nice informative post. All execpt for the parts where your daughter fell and Tango got away for a bit. It is dangerous in the shower. I had a nice big bathroom at home with a walk in shower. Boy do I miss that here.
ReplyDeleteI hope you are having a lovely day.
Looks you have had a bit of a day Arlene achieved something with that fence. Great weather here to but I didn't do any gardening. Oh heck bet that was a nasty shock for your daughter, hope she is ok. Glad to hear Tango little tinker, got home safe and sound. Freedom....yes I can see it all now. Tail in air and rushing off... Enjoy your Week Hugs Sheila and Wile-e x
ReplyDeleteSure glad you got Tango back, sorry to hear about your daughters fall. I fell out of the shower about 4 years back and bashed up my hip (the one I have problems with now). I fell out of the shower/tub backwards, what a silly thing to do. I hope your daughter is fine and that everything is good for the future. Take care of your back, Arlene, it's the only one you have. Bye for now.
ReplyDeleteHey Arlene, It was scarry but no time to think about it when I was falling, only after.