Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Another lovely day

This morning started off very misty and damp, so decided to clear the ironing before I took the dogs out, job done, and dusted, big sighs of relief, Took the dogs out and gradually the mist got burned off as the sun came up, It soon turned quite warm and by the time I got home around 12 noon, it was very pleasant. I had a quick lunch and decided to mow the lawns, one of the jobs on the list.
just posting a couple of pics so you can see what a busy bee I've been, thought I'd pass on the ironing, oh and the washing I popped in the machine before I went out, the garden is a tad prettier.
Got to wear the proper gear love my Crocs Arlene gave me for Christmas 

Halfway through the job

All done

Just a little pic of Ruby, Tango was indoors asleep!

This is the lime in January 11th
My Lime tree that we're photographing month by month, the last time I photographed it was 11th Jan, but as it hadn't changed much I couldn't see the point in doing another, It is just starting to show red on the branches now, and the buds are just about starting to swell, 

Thank you for visiting and please come back, Arlene, Tango and Ruby


  1. That's quite the tree, does it really grow Limes on it or is it just Ornamental?

  2. Oh no Horst, it's a corruption of the old word for Linden tree, though it does have a fair dose of pollen catkin things that leave traces all over the place. the tree has been pollarded, so would be quite a height otherwise.

  3. I am so envious. No grass to be mowed here until April at least. The grass is just now starting to green up a bit.

    I never iron anything unless it is an emergency. ;-) xx

    1. As to-morrow is going to be a wet day, it will give the grass another little spurt, and in no time it'll be a once a fortnight job. I too only iron when necessary, around every six weeks :-)

  4. That is sure a fine looking tree Arlene keep us posted on it's progress. Your lawn looks fab so tidy , and I see Ruby looking pleased to. Did someone mention ironing , I don't iron unless I really have to.
    Enjoy your week. Hugs Sheila and Wile-e xx

    1. Thnak you Sheila, I'll update it when I see signs of life from the tree, I do like the fact that I can see the birds in it right now, when it's in leaf it's quite massed and a bear could hide in it. And as I said to Beth, ironing is a bout a six weekly chore. Got a busy week ahead. hugs from we 3 XX


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