Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Zippa-dedo- da, zippadeday....

Remember that song, zippadeday, my oh my what a wonderful day, tra-la, Jiminy Cricket in Pinnochio if I remember right.
Well it's been like that here to-day folks, from when the sun got going around 10 am till another glorious sunset at 5.30 pm.
I got up around 7.30 am as usual and after the usual morning tedium, took the dogs out for a walk along the beach, it was not exactly crowded, but there were more folks than usual, strolling in the sunshine with kids and dogs. I must have stopped at least six times as folk often remark on Ruby doing her sheep herding with her bottle, one man even took photos of her crouching, and Tango carrying his plastic bottle, that always invites a comment or two, people think it's so cute, I tell them either it's actually MY Gin and Tonic, or I if they've got kids I say he's selling water at 1p a slurp, they look as if they don't know whether I'm kidding or not. :-)
Home time after a good two hour stroll, a quick bite to eat and then out in the garden. It's lovely having this early spring keyhole, it let's you catch up with stuff that needs doing before the real work of the garden e.g. planting.
I had a large compost bin, but it was becoming a bit of a superfluity [?] so I decided to empty it out spread the compost around and pass on the bin.
I had started before Christmas but didn't get very far, but between yesterday and to-day I finished the job, there must have been about a ton of compost to shift.  The bin was in sections, so I dismantled that and put an advert in the local newsagent, FREE TO GOOD GARDNER., so far no takers but I'm not too bothered I'm convinced it will go.
I cleaned up the area which is slabs but some jasmine had taken a strong root feeding on the compost and getting under the flagstones, so a lot had to be taken up to get rid of it. Job done though,  I tidied up the edges to the fence and re-gravelled them and after a good brush it all looks tickety boo, I feel so pleased with myself, a good job out of the way.
If the weather is as good as they've forecast, I should catch up with some more chores, The lawns need mowing and a big job the flagstones in the dog area need pressure washing, I've got a headache just thinking about it, but it's got to be done before the hot weather, One half is in shade and gets a heavy growth of algae and when it's wet gets very slippery, so it's a must for that reason alone. Any offers of help??
Well that's it for now folks, it's all or nothing with me, isn't it/ Ha, ha,

Thank you for visiting and please come back, Arlene, Tango and Ruby


  1. Hi Arlene, lucky you, to be able to get some gardening chores done. We had a record snow fall for one day. We haven't had one like this in 10 years. We had over a foot of snow in 12 hours. Thank goodness it only lasted one day. Have a great week.

    1. Crikey Horst, that can't be much fun, let's hope you'll soon have seen the last of it, we don't get much snow, thankfully. I'm making the most of this fine weather as it's unusual and we're bound to get another cold spell next month. keep warm if you can and thanks for dropping by. and the video.

  2. Man, I'm worn out just reading about all that w.....w.....w.... I can't even type the word!

    You've got singing crickets?

    1. You'd enjoy it Chip, same as I do, I like nothing better than doing good wholesome constructive work, beats dusting and washing dishes any day, and what better than singing crickets to help me along :-)

  3. My gosh lady, you have worn me out. I miss not having a garden to putter around in. xx

    1. Beth you're more than welcome to grab a spade and toddle along to mine. yeah !

  4. Hi Arlene, thanks for the great comment on my blog. Oh, and that isn't a Robin on my blog header it is a House Finch.

  5. Crikey Arlene I am worn out just reading your packed day in the garden. I managed to get a little done yesterday and found some lovely Hellebores hiding there. It was a good day yesterday all change today though oh well Hugs Sheila and Wile-e xx

    1. I lost my Hellebores, and a little patch of snowdrops, I bet it was these slugs, I get so many, tooo many, but I'm reluctant to use the repellent as I worry the birds will get poisoned, I've got a resident thrush and they like slugs and snails, so I'll just have to put up with losing some plants, won't I?

  6. I am worn out too reading everything you achieved in your garden, well done you :):) x

    1. Thanks Poppy, I think doing that sort of work is self rewarding, don't you?


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