Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Monday, 9 April 2012

No comments

A couple of people have informed me that they have left comments on my blog posts, but they haven't shown up,  I wonder if anyone else has or maybe I have just  been 'dropped' by most others.

Thank you for visiting and please come back, Arlene, Tango and Ruby


  1. I hope I haven't missed any of your posts. xx

    1. I don't think you have Beth as I haven't posted much lately.

  2. I'm with Beth. I pop in and out lately and not always on so I hope I didn't miss any either. If I did, I hope you don't forget me, :-).

    1. Thanks Terry, I won't forget you , honest, but I think I'll drop the WP blog

  3. Looks like your getting comments now. Oh and Happy Easter.

  4. Thank you folk, I know you never miss Beth, but there is something strange going on, I usually get an email when someone posts a comment on my blog, but that hasn't always been happening, so also i don't get pinged when any of my friends [e.g you folks] post in your blogs. But I would really like to get more traffic, that way I'd feel blogging worth while, but only a teeny bit more say about ten :-) am I a sad sack or what, get a life I hear you say. I did get a bit of a telling off, in a mild way from one follower, more or less telling me that blogging was for personal and it didn't matter if anyone else read it or not. :-( I can't quite see it that way, but maybe I'm wrong. I'll bet everyone likes to be noticed.

  5. Missed you Arlene hope you had a good Easter
    Hugs Sheila xx


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