Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Update on Ruby

Hi all Thanks for all your lovely comments and warm welcome for Ruby. Penny D made me laugh when she said about her pee-ing on the sheepskin rug, "well, she is a 'sheep-dog" lol she is that.
Fortunately she hasn't done any naughties indoors since, but I'm watching her.
Chip, I'm glad Buddy is settling, tell him to send Ruby some hints and tips on how to handle new Mums.
She is a little worry wort, and forgot who I was when I came back home last night after being out. She hasn't been off lead yet, but I've been assured that she'll be OK and won't bolt, but I've always had all my dogs from pups and trained them for sociability and all the necessary things so they can fit in with family life. She's had three litters of pups so far, but I will have her speyed as I don't 'do' puppies and litters.
I bought her a bed and she looks quite cute curled up in it.

Well folks that's about all there is to relay, not a lot but if you want a laugh go to my I've posted some jokes there.


  1. Ruby looks so content curled up in her new bed. You two will get along famously.

  2. Buddy says DON'T CHEW ON MOM'S BOOTS!

  3. Ruby is so cute. Is that the official doggie tartan?

  4. Ruby looks very much at home with her new Mom.

  5. Ruby looks very cosy I am sure she will settle and be a happy little dog with her new mum. xx

  6. Thanks all, and do you know Wifie, I didn't think to check if it was a genuine doggie tartan, probably is, as you know the Scots, always ready to cash in. LOL
    I'll keep a close eye on my boots Chip, but I don't think she'd have the courage, bless her.

  7. Awwwww, Arlene! I'm just this moment catching up on all the news and oh wowwwww, look at this beautiful Ruby. How lucky she is to be with you! Shoot, if I were a dog, I'd ask to be with you, too! She's going to be just fine. I can see it now: a month from now we'll see photos of her curled up on the bed with you!
    I agree about the age. I worry about that now. My dogs always lived at least 17 yrs and my cats always made it to 20 and some to 21. I didn't think about that when I rescued Sam and later on, Lucy. Now they are 7 & 6 and I worry they could outlive me. Not a good thought. Lol, I need to find some REALLY young people to make friends with so that they will agree to take them should the inevitable happen. Yeah, crappy thought. Still, all in all, I can't imagine life without pets. Nothing is better in this world :D

  8. PS...just so Tango doesn't think he's forgotten, please make sure and go over to him and give him a BIG kiss right on his nose and tell him it from me, ok? :D (((big hugs for Tango)))


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