Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Monday, 21 February 2011

Old age

The butt hangs low, the wits are slow

Old age

The knees creak, the joints are weak

Old age

The eyes are dim , the outlook’s grim

Old age

The hearing’s going, the grey hairs showing

Old age

Some teeth are broken, the cheeks are sunken

Old age

The appetite’s rabid , the thoughts are morbid

Old age

The future’s bleak, will I last the week?

Old age

The hair is dull , time for a cull?

Old age

It's not much fun, when you're having a run, 
Old age



  1. Good one Arlene!!! Love the joke too.

  2. Good one and it creeps up fast. Cute cartoon.

  3. Thanks folks, it started off as referring to Tango, but it was more familiar to myself LOL, the 'butt was changed from tail'


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