Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Funny things we do

Don't  know about you folks, but when I put on the TV to listen to the radio I always keep glancing at it, though there’s no picture, but when I’m listening on the radio, I just carry on with what I'm  doing without thinking about looking for a picture.

And talking of pictures, at my Art club yesterday we had a demo from a first class artist, Dave White. and it was wonderful, it made me realise that my paintings are so amateurish by comparison <sigh>  I do wish I had more time to practice though, maybe, just maybe, it would make a difference.  Dream on girl.   artist smileyartist smiley


  1. The paintings that I have seen that you did are very good my friend, very good. I don't watch TV much so I don't look for a picture on it. I do other things though that strike me funny and a bit weird like looking in strange places for things that would never be there. lol Hugs

  2. This reminds me of flipping a light switch when the power is
    Arlene, your paintings are professional to me.

  3. I think your paintings are beautiful!!

  4. I like your paintings. They are great. Hey, I do that too. I can listen to the radio or cd's with no distraction but the tv? Not so much.

  5. I think your paintings are beautiful too, don't ever give up! x


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