Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Monday, 28 November 2011

How the human mind works

woman crossing

Study this picture closely, and from your observations it should tell what sort of person you are


A practical example of how the human mind works
Analysis of the above picture can tell us a lot about how different people think.
- For young men, it's a picture of a lady with a nice arse but only the most observant will notice that she is crossing a street.
- The really observant will notice that she is wearing a thong.
- For older men, she appears to be a respectable woman - with a nice arse - on her way to work.
- The perverts among them will imagine her naked.
- Wiser men will ponder the presence of mind of the photographer to take the shot in the face of such beauty and be grateful that they shared it with humanity.

- For half of the women, this is an ordinary woman who should not have left home dressed that way.
- The other half will think she is a slut but wonder where she bought that blouse.
- Older women will imagine the misery that the woman's arse will cause by the time she reaches 50.

- But only children, the extremely intelligent and the celibate will notice that the taxi is being driven by a dog.

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  1. Oh yes now that you mention it LOL. I must admit I didn't even notice the dog. xxSheila

  2. Hey Arlene, I must say that I missed the dog driving the taxi, but you missed that the lady with the great Arse is wearing a corsette for a smaller waist.

  3. I made the pic as big as possible, but no one noticed the dog, I didn't either when i first saw the pic, and no Horst I didn't really notice that either, my take on it was that the lady coming towards her looked like she was going to say Hello, pity more people don't check into my blogs it would give them a smile and take their minds off their probs, [Tootly Toot ,toot] blowing my own trumpet here. :-) off to get ready to go out. catch you to-morrow.

  4. The only thing I'm going to admit to is not seeing the dog. This post has actually reminded me of a picture someone once sent me and if I can find it I will do a post on it tomorrow as it's along similar lines to yours.

    You asked about following my blog. I've had a look and can't see you anywhere so I don't know what has happened but for sure you're welcome to join if you wish, I think you just click the button in the sidebar that says'Join this site'. As for the comment you made it's on the post showing the video of the border collie playing with his toys.

  5. Bad me, I didn't see the dog either and I won't tell you what I thought, lol. Leave it to a child to eliminate the unnecessary. :-)

  6. Hi, Arlene! I missed WLS a lot so I check it when I was checking my emails at hotmail and saw your update. How are you doing? Glad to see some are still writing. (I still have not gotten used to the idea that WLS is gone :( or have time to remodel/design my blog space here and make it into a new home)
    Anyway, when I saw the picture, yeah I saw her arse (because she was wearing tight clothes) and why is she wearing white & why is she (the subject - foreground)is special. I didn't find anything out of the oridinary except her arse & figure and wearing clean bright white - TIGHT clean bright white clothes and that she dominated the picture (foreground). Therefore the middle ground (dog driving in car) I didn't noticed because he & his surrounding is sort of vague and dark even though he is in a dirty white car. The background(the woman in blue) doesn't catch the attention because she is not in the center of attention. Yeah, her relax, casual clothing (even walking towards you) won't catch so much attention and view as ordinary. :/

  7. LOL In other words Lady Grace you didn't see the dog either, come on admit it, everyone else has. :-)Lovely to see you on here, and yes I too miss WLS, neither
    Blogspot or WP are as much fun, but we appear to be stuck with it. Please look in as often as you can and maybe you'll get enough inspiration to start a new blog.
    I expect your thoughts were pretty much the same as everyone else' s Terry, something like 'What the @*$+#' is that??? :-)
    @ Rob I'll pop back in to your blog and see if I can get it right this time,
    Thanks all fro comments.

  8. I didn't see the dog either.....but I did spot the corset!!! lol xx

  9. Poppy, I didn't notice the corset, either, Duh!


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