Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Find the face



Find The face

Just another little puzzle for you folks to keep you entertained till I get time to blog and visit, take care all, i haven’t forgotten you, just been busy.

find the face


  1. I can't find it. I will come back later and take another look.

  2. I found it but only because Frankie cleaned my glasses for me. The %#@&!!! glare coating makes the lenses smudge if I even think about touching them! This was the first and last time I pay extra for anti-glare coating!

  3. I do believe I can just about make it out Arlene , but not quite sure. xxx

  4. I love these Arlene, I got so excited. Didn't take me to long at all.


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