Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Catch up

What a week this has been for weather, rain, rain, and more rain, well for most of it, though I did manage to get out one afternoon and mow the lawns, I also planted out the rest of my Geraniums, not forgetting my sunflower seeds, I don't know if I told you about them, My daughter Arlene, gave me a nice card for Easter with a nice photo of a Sunflower on the front and inside a packet of seeds, what a lovely thoughtful gift. So I planted them in a tray this morning, plus a few other annual seeds i'd bought.
I went to the local
superstore and they were selling Clematis Montana for £5, what you'd pay £8 or £9 for in the Garden centre, I went back yesterday and bought a Laurel and Pyracantha at £1.50 , cost about £5 or £6 in garden centre again, what a bargain, now all I need is some decent weather to plant them, though they won't hurt in the pots.
I got soaked through this morning on the dog walk, and had to change to the skin, so i'm giving to-night's walk a miss as it's still raining, even though not as heavy I've had a gut full. plus |I've got Barney for a week, and three wet dogs is just asking too much,  gotta go now as it's dog feeding time, and that can't be missed. take care all

Thank you for visiting and please come back, Arlene, Tango and Ruby


  1. Your new flowers sound lovely. What color Clematis did you get. I love the dark purple ones.
    Stay dry. Not much rain here, just cold and dreary. xx

  2. Unfortunately it's not a purple one, but a delicate pink, there wasn't much choice, I expect they were the ones that people didn't want so much that's why they were so cheap, but I don't mind as I want it to cover a big area, I have about 4 others and if I recall .. at least one purple.
    It's still raining here, and I've had the heating on all day.

  3. Frankie loves sunflowers and plants as many as I'll let her get away with each year. If she had her way our windows would be useless 6 months of the year, hidden behind solid walls of giant yellow flowers!

    1. I don't blame her Chip, they are so cheerful and bright, they just shout, love me I'm sunshine, can't be bad.

  4. It's great to get a bargain especially seeds and flowers, so much at Garden Centre quite scary. Good luck with those and hope you can get them outside very soon. It's very windy here at the moment the rain has stopped. So I managed to get the rake out to touch up the front patch by the pathway tidied. It took a lot of hours to get it looking nice so I try to keep up with it. Hope all is well with the gals and hugs to you Arlene.
    Sheila and Wile-e xx

    1. Today has been sunny all day, and I managed to wash and dry all the yukky dog towels and coats, if it keeps up I'll be doing some planting SHeila.
      Do send us a photo of your pathway patch, even just to inspire us.
      Dogs are both doing OK Barney missed his Mum. but hugs anyhow from we 4 XXXX

  5. All those flowers are going to look so nice. I hope we see pictures when they bloom.

  6. I hope so too Terry, when this incessant rain stops I'm hoping to get out in the garden to do a bit more planting.


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