Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

A pleasant day

My friend Sue and I met just before 10 am  this morning  for a dog walk, She has a new puppy and I hadn't yet seen her, She's a little sweetie, a Golden retriever x Poodle, pale gold and looks just like an unfleeced sheep, her name is Tula,
That makes  Sue with four dogs, Widget, Nettle Stroodle and Tula. If you recall I've written about Sue and  her dogs before, she looked after my two when I went on holiday.
To-day we had a nice walk along the beach, with seven very well behaved dogs, though admittedly Tango was on the lead. It was also a day for me to have Barney.
Several people just had to stop and make a fuss of dear little Tula, though the other do get their share of the OOOOOhh and AAAAAahh factor,, with many comments on how obedient they all are,which is not surprising , as many hours go into their training.
The weather held out for us despite the dodgy forecast,
We parted at around 11.30 and I took Barney  home,, After lunch I went to Art group,  I changed places from where I normally sit,  and it was a much more pleasant afternoon. Much friendlier people.
I gave my two another walk on the way home at 4.30  then realized I forgot to pick up my prescription which I'd dropped off at the chemist, Hey ho, I'll have to do it to-morrow.
I fed the dogs then jumped in the bath, and was in my PJ's by 6.30, made some supper and settled down with a hot water bottle,
The forecast is for chillier weather, and they are not wrong, hence the hottie. I'm very tired as I couldn't drop off to sleep till about 3 am this morning so am off to bed very shortly,
Take care all

Thank you for visiting and please come back, Arlene, Tango and Ruby


  1. Chillier weather is on its way here too. That time of the year I think. I have not been sleeping well lately either. I hope you get a good night's sleep tonight. xx

    1. Hello Beth, sorry to hear your not sleeping too well, it's such a lonely 'pastime', Keep warm and take care XX

  2. Sounds like a lovely walk Arlene , the weather is very changeable here, rain and showers. I do hope you get a good nights sleep .
    Wishing you all well
    Hugs Sheila xx

    1. Hello Sheila, and yes it was a lovely walk, we unfortunately don't have the chance of enough as Sue is a working girl, plus has to look into her elderly father who is in a retirement flat, and train her dogs for the competitions she attends most weekends, so we do make the most of these times.
      We're in for some real rain over the next couple of days, grrr.
      Take care Arlene X

  3. Looking lovely and autumny here Arlene! also blew Wolfie in for a long over due visit :) A new puppy?!! Oooh! Wolfie loves puppies! I wonder if there's any updates on this one yet...I will have to check out your more recent posts. Hope you're sleeping better now...despite the cold outside it's been too hot to sleep properly inside here. Great walk you guys went on!

  4. No Wolfie, not a NEW puppy, Crikey, how long have you been gone ? Ruby has been with me almost two years now, she's a re-homed babe, though almost eleven. . I'd sleep better if Tango didn't keep waking me. !


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