Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Flaming weather , not !

I am so disappointed, this morning I got up early as the weather report was hot and sunny, brilliant thought I , got washing to do and lots more in the garden so I'll forsake my art group in the afternoon and have a real good  day getting on top of things, Going to B&Q for some trellising to stop one long leggedy dog going into the flower bed to hide his you know whats.
Also got to make some bread as there was two slices in the freezer. so much to do, BUT, it's grey dull and starting to spit with rain, and I'm spitting feathers.
Rant over,
popping in a couple of pics, this I love my daughter gave me this for Mother's day, it's a fat ball feeder and she filled it with sheep wool, courtesy of a friend who has them,  it hangs on the tree and the baby birds must think they're in the Hilton rather than a Premier. LOL
I have one hung up with hair from the dogs in it, I saved some of Tango's, but it will be put to good use.

This is the latest painting a little Papillon called Treacle

Thank you for visiting and please come back, Arlene, Tango and Ruby


  1. Hi Arlene it is a grey day here to, yesterday got loads of little plants and pots sorted. Also loads of washing .. also had time to sit on the seat up by the Pond watching the Ducks.
    The painting is Lovely gorgeous. Oh that looks good maybe the birds will pick wool off for their nests.
    Enjoy your day come rain or shine.
    Sheila xx

    1. Well it didn;t rain and the sun didn't shine to-day so I;m having to dry the washing indoors and went to art. I hope to-morrow is better, XX

  2. It grey here too clear across the ocean. I am waiting for some sunshine.

    The painting is beautiful!

    1. I hope it's not too long in coming Beth. thanks for calling.

  3. I concur on the grey. Have had about enough. Had one day tease and sat out and ended up with a cherry face. Here's hoping the good weather hits us all soon.

  4. Yes Terry I saw on your blog that you tried a little bit of suntanning, oh dear sounds like you over did it a little, I too am hoping for some sunshine, thanks for calling.


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