Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Monday, 25 October 2010


To Pen Lo, Sherri and Chip for the nice compliments on my colliepaintings website, I hadn't visited for some time and was unaware that you had posted, thanks you so much I appreciate every comment, I really must update it as I have around five new paintings to go on there, I get so carried away with blogging I never leave myself enough time, like now, I have to be out in fifteen minutes.
It's starting to get chilly and the thought of dressing up in net curtains is losing it's appeal, fast!
Catch you all tomorrow sometime, by the way I'm posting the same comments on my WP blog.


  1. Hi Arlene,
    I was away from a computer for the weekend. I love the butterflies. So glad you got it to work.

  2. Have a great evening Arlene don't forget the camera xx

  3. Your butterfly background is beautiful!

  4. Have a great time, Arlene and stay warm!

  5. Hmmm think I shall go have a peek and see if there is an outstanding portrait of a beautiful Rottie appearing on there.

  6. OOOOOO-er Ann I haven't out Mo up there yet, nor Pen's Bess, I'm in a Mrs Gonnado mood, always Gonnado this and Gonnado that, bt never get round to it., I'l let you know as soon as it's up there.


Make my day, leave a comment.....Please? I appreciate every one and will do my best to reply.