Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Sunday, 31 October 2010

To-days stuff

What a bitty horrible day I've had, The clocks going back meant I lost an hours sleep, as I woke up as normal, that was the start, Took Tango out and hoped to miss the rain, ........I didn't ... I'd planned to ... sort out my website, ...catch up with blog friends....write a new post, but I can't remember what about. ....wash my hair,.........sort out the kitchen units... Let me explain that one, I'm having new kitchen units, and as you do with these projects, you get various design consultants up, who advise you what you need and where to put it. [come near the end of the sessions, I could have told them where to put it]... I digress., After getting various quotes and designs I thought I had sorted out what I wanted, that was until my daughters came up and got their hands on the plans. All change, by Karen on Thursday and Arlene on Friday. I checked out  the various compilations and decided to sit down and compare prices etc. I was persuaded to also have a new cooker, as my high level grill was not in keeping with the 'new look' also a nice pine corner unit has to go and a cupboard in it's place sigh, I've had it over twenty years. Karen said, 'what good is it Mum, it's just collecting dust and it's not as if the 'bits' you have on it are valuable ! she's right though.
 One quote didn't include fitting, so I'd have to get quotes for that and include them in the figures, My head is going round in circles.
I sat down in the kitchen  this morning to really get to grips with it, and a bluebottle flew past, now I cannot abide bluebottles, I hate them with a vengeance, I got out the fly killer, then I spotted another, and another, and another, it was like something out of a Hitchcock movie, I glanced to the flourescent light and it was covered., I sprayed and sprayed, but as quick as I picked them up more appeared. I was using the mild spray as it's not too evil smelling, but I had to succumb, and used the horrible smelling stuff, sprayed it into the kitchen  shut the door and went out with Tango for an hour. I'd had nothing to eat since my early breakfast and it was now after 2 o'clock.
I can only think that a mouse had died behind the cooker, as I do get the odd one indoors and I'd put down mouse bait.
Hopefully I've zapped them all as I haven't seen any since, If I see any tomorrow, the cooker will come out, plus the drawers and the plinth below the units. If so that will be another wasted day.
So folks I'm sorry if I've missed your blogs and postings.
By the way I've started a new website, though didn't get too far. and thanks all for your concern. There's no use me going to computer lessons for it, but thanks Sheila, it's my ISP that won't let me use it.


  1. You'll have to post some photo's now of your new kitchen units when they've been fitted. It's always the hassle of the redecorating that no one likes, we all just like the end results and can't wait for them to complete it.
    Hugs Lady Jude

  2. I'm glad you're getting your kitchen redone. We'll look forward t photos.

  3. Your new kitchen sounds like it will be really nice when it is finished. Remodeling is tiring and I do hate the mess but I am always pleased when it is done.

  4. It's always a hassle all the planning etc. and the mess that comes with the instalation, but the outcome is worth it. Looking forward to seeing some piccies when all is done.

  5. I will certainly post piccies
    Is everyone afraid to mention my bluebottles? they're all gone now LOL

  6. Goody Bluebottles gone Hurrah !!!
    Glad you are all sorted out with your website now Arlene , new kitchen can be a hassle ..xx

  7. So! You're having fun then! More than I can say for my experience of Blogger to date...for most of the time I've been here I can see only how many followers I have not who they are. That content is blocked. Can't see anyone elses either that is also blocked. This is very frustrating and Blogger are aware and still trying to deal with...I thankfully have more joy on WordPress which is currently getting my vote over this place!

  8. Oh dear Wolfie, this has been going on for some time now hasn't it, I did wonder why I haven't heard from you. Has anyone else had this happen to them I wonder? I hope they get it sorted quickly, we can't have you wandering around in Bloggerland wilderness, howling the loss of your connections now, can we? I never thought I'd say it, but Good on WP.

  9. Yes Sheila, neither sight nor sound of any of the horrible creatures, they make my skin crawl,


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