Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Monday, 1 November 2010

New Website

Well I’ve started a new website, what a pain, but I think I’ll cut down the number of paintings as it takes forever, plus I expect anyone who has visited will have seen as much of them as they want. I will have to put up the two I’ve done for a couple of blog friends, plus about three others, Trouble is it used to take up quite a bit of my spare time in between painting, now with all this blogging business I’m finding it harder, I haven’t painted for about three weeks. Anyone want a job, ?, How strange this hasn't shown up though I've cut and pasted from WP and changed the font colour.


  1. HI Arlene,
    what with Blogger and Wordpress, I haven't been able to keep up with trying to fill both, so I just duplicate when I have to...SO with your painting and website plus your two blogger's no wonder you're run off your feet. Take a deep breath, and take a little time to smell the roses... then dash about!!! lol!!
    Hmm...almost forgot...what's your new web site addy? xPenx

  2. I even started a new blog too, just for the fun of tarting it up.
    the website's only started but here goes, and let me know if the link works

  3. Thanks Wolfie, the site is,uk

  4. Blogger and 3 wordpress sites keep me extra busy too. I am off now to visit your new site.

  5. I couldn't get the link to work Arlene, even with copy and pasting.

  6. I'm looking for a job. :) But that commute would be a killer.

  7. I'm having trouble keeping up as well, with chauffeur duty, two blogs, photography, morning nap, cooking, playing with Sam, another nap, doing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen, followed by a short nap and over 200 posts to read today because I got caught up in a movie marathon on TV and hardly had the laptop on at all....especially when I was napping! As for the job, I'm unemployable, untrainable and absolutely dedicated to remaining retired. I think I need a nap!

  8. Good luck with your paintings and website

  9. Ha ha .......I am glad i am not alone in having trouble on here
    I think Simon sent you an email last night, and i think i have finally managed to get a guestbook on my blog but had to do the blooger thing all the ones i chose from the site you gave me didn't seem to want to work and yours is so pretty although Pink is not really my kind of colour

  10. I copied and pasted and found your new site...I logged in...Was I supposed to? I'm a member I think. Couldn't find a Guestbook to leave a comment, BUT I did leave a comment on your old site yesterday...'cos I kept that link in my bookmarks and followed it's still there,..
    one confused xPenx.

  11. Pen as it'sa free site you don't get a guest book, but you can post comments in the photos page, did you see dear Bess. Time has caught up with me I have to go but I'll be back tonight

  12. Just left a comment on the Photo's page of your website, Arlene ...Now I have to go before someone does a whoopsy ont' carpet!
    (NO... not me!!)

  13. About our weekly menus, pack your bag and let me know when you'll be here.

  14. Ohh thank you Wifie, how about Hogmanay?


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