Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Thursday, 4 November 2010

A blog from Tango

I am not feeling so good tonight, Mum and I had been out for our evening walk to the local recreation ground, It was dark so she had to have a torch, poor soul can't see unless the light's in the sky. The walk was [in her opinion] finished so she goes back to the car, and starts bleating, come on Tango, time to go, hurry up, in the car lad , move it sunshine, get your a*** in gear if you please, I'm losing patience fast, and so on, I of course just ignore her as I am going deaf, well at least I hear her tell everyone that, so why not take advantage eh?
I decided to have a little nose in the garden above the underground garage by the flats, I don't usually go there as she won't let me, but I'm playing deaf, remember! I got right up to the wall and she shouted, get your backside down here NOW, OK, OK I thought, best move, so I went to the edge of the garden that runs alongside the  garage driveway and jumped down. JEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ, my chin hit the floor so hard it knocked the breath from my body, how the h*** was I to know it was a five foot drop? I just lay there for a bit, and Mum came running over all of a tizz. And I accused her of not being able to see in the dark.

Arlene says when I saw Tango step off that wall my heart was in my mouth, he's 13 next month so no spring chicken, he could easily have broken his neck or leg at least, He tottered over to the car looking quite dazed, I checked him over when we got home but all I cold see was a skinned chin, but he obviously hurts, as he's getting up from his bed quite delicately. but my was he lucky.


  1. Get well soon, Tango. Sam is coming around very slowly but he;s still very thin and very weak. He needs help climbing into Godzilla and can hardly balance on the truck door to ride with his head out the window.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Poor Tango, must have been quite a shock for him when he realized it was that much of a drop. Hope he's alright.
    Basil's going to the vet beginning of next week,I don't think he's happy anymore.

  4. Tango pls stop coming out in sympathy with Sam! How am I supposed to get it together to post my half finshed blog for your k9 entertainment if you're leaping off walls and wolfie hs to worry about you as well as did say she was going blind!!lol...well...can't see in the dark anyway ;) Hope you're feeling much less delicate soon!

  5. Tango, I hope you get over your sore chin quickly. Five feet is a long leap for a dog or a cat.

  6. What a walk! Tango, you should ask Arlene for a doggie hearing aid.

  7. I hope Tango feels much better tomorrow. That was quite a fall.

  8. Hi Tango,
    All my wish for you get better soon:-)

  9. Hope everything works out for Tango, we had a blind dog and he fell down a bank once quite sad really.
    hugs Lady J

  10. Ouch that was quite a fall I do hope Tango feels well very soon. Hugs to the both of you. Sheilax


    ARLENE....that is one time when you wish they could talk
    love to both from both


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