Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Friday, 5 November 2010

From Tango

It's a dog's life. LOL


  1. Just checking on Tango, hoping he's OK.

  2. I hope Tango is all better today. Cute cartoon.

  3. Wish I could relax on a beach like that this weekend.

  4. Great pic there ...Arlene,.
    and it's definitely a dogs life, Bess had me up at 3am....and is now sleeping in !!! LOL!!
    (The link to Photobucket worked, and I got a lovely morning visit form JD..,'s just that on Wordpress you're only able to post pictures on your own site for some unknown reason)... have a great week-end . Tango ...
    and Arlene , of course!!...xxPen


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