Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Reply to comments etc.

Hi all Tango says to let you know that he's got over his little 'sky dive' of the other night, and thank you all for your concern, but he's not a happy bunny right now and he's letting me know by sleeping over by the sofa instead of under my feet. The reason ? he cottoned on that I'm going on holiday, I've been packing this afternoon, and he's been under my feet, or standing in front of me, getting in a right old tiswas.
I'm going to give you the details of this trip, We leave Monday 8.30 and catch the Ferry from Weymough and arrive in Jersey around lunch time
Mond evening, Cocktail party, Candlelit dinner dance with carol singing, cabaret and dancing till late,
Tuesday: B/fast, Christmas quiz, followed by Christmas bingo, Afternoon tea dance, Christmas dinner and dance, Christmas fancy dress followed by cabaret and party night.
Wed: B/fast, live music Christmas bingo if you should wish New year dinner dance, festive hat competition, Cabaret, with the pipes and drums of the Jersey Caledonian Pipe band and a right ol 'knees up'
Thurs: B/fast, Live music, followed by Bingo [optional] , dinner dance, Ascot by night big screen horse racing.
Friday; B/fast before departing for home [sob]
Optional coach trips round the island by day.
half board, and a bargain at twice the price. two vacant places as unfortunately two had to pull out.
I am looking forward to it as I haven't had a holiday for two years.
But I will miss my little spesh boy. He says, it's a bad day when he had to fall off a wall to get some attention. but his five minutes of fuss is over.
Pen glad you got JD to work for you.


  1. I am so glad Tango is better!
    Your trip sounds like so much fun. Have a wondeful time!

  2. Thanks Beth, also blogging on

  3. Not to worry, Tango. Sam says he knows where we keep the car keys and he's got a number for a pair of hot French Poodles.

  4. At my age Chip, what you trying to do, kill me, but....I'm willing to die happy. LOL

  5. I hope you have a glorious time.

  6. You are going to have a lovely time Jersey is really nice but i think you have to be a millionaire to live there
    Have a lovely Arlene i am sure you will look forward to hearing all about it when you get back

  7. Oh Lovely Arlene sounds exciting I have been to Jersey from Weymouth but alas only for a day trip, which is far too long after setting off at 6 am in the morning and getting back at midnight. Much rather do what you are doing and spend 4 days there. Hugs to the both of you dance your sox off. Sheila x

  8. Thanks again folks, I'm looking forward to it. LO I know quite a few people over there, but no millionaires.


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