Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Just a picture

We had some restless seas last week and I took a few pics, but this one I liked best so I'm putting it on here to see what you think.


  1. Just a picture? That's a great shot!

  2. It looks beautiful Arlene

  3. It is a beautiful shot. Good job!

  4. Fantastic picture Arlene great shot!

  5. I can't 'see' the photo...just the words???
    flip!! xPenx

  6. All it needs is a ghostly sailing ship coming out of the light. What was that film about the ship that keeps sailing, oh you know the one, it was something to do with lost love and a curse and there was a film made of it years ago.

  7. Quick flick through internet reminded me of the answers...The Flying Dutchman is the ghost ship, the film completely different was The Ghost and Mrs Muir.

  8. The Flying dutchman was a phantom ship, ahoy, ahoy, ahoy, and through the ocean made an endless trip, ahoy, that was a song Anne, gives me the spooks that does. Pen I can't understand why you can't see the pic I'll try it on WP, and thanks all for your very unexpected compliments. I took several that day but that was the best of the bunch.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. hang on Arlene,
    I just checked through the dashboard blog updates ...and it's showing there for me..but not here???
    Mind you ...It looks wonderful...Just like Anne says...All it needs is an enthralled ship on an enthralled sea!!
    I'm happy now!! xPenx

    Had to delete the previous comment...forgot to check my typing mistakes..xx

  11. Too late it's on WP for you,hoo


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