Hi folks at the risk of boring you I will continue my hol blog,
The day after we arrived we went to Gerald Durrell's Zoo to see the animals I have some photos but can't access them right now, It was a bit dull so most of the animals were hiding but we saw enough to make the day worth while, I was hoping to see the wolves but they were having a sleep or something. It's well worth a visit if you should go to Jersey, but the cost of food in the diner is a bit cheeky, so I starved.
Talking of starving, the food in the hotel was absolutely scrummy, I had a three course breakfast, we ate out for lunch, quite well I might add, and every night was a four course meal for dinner, which of course I indulged in. I am now on a diet, see my This'n'That.blogspot.com blog.
The next day Wednesday, was a coach trip round the Island, it wasn't the best of days but it was interesting, the commentary by the driver was very informative, and he sounded just like Michael Cane. !
Thursday saw us having a sightseeing /shopping trip round St Helier, nice place and friendly people, Bought some Christmas presents for my girls, the jewellery is so much cheaper, another good day spent in good company.
One of our party, Dave had a bittersweet day on Wednesday, He had been diagnosed with lung cancer and given 6 - 18 months to live, his 18 months were up that day, but he has been defiant and told the doctor he's got thirty years in him [he is 51] and would trade the doc that for his 18 months, please say a little prayer for him, he shows such courage. By profession he is a CLOWN ! yes that's right and has performed here and abroad, so maybe it's the attitude, his wife Tracy is not too well either, she had a hysterectomy a short time back that went wrong and threw up complications, as a result she can't have children, she is only forty. how sad and ironic is that? They were travelling back on up to Scotland after staying a night with friends.
If you believe in healing thoughts, please say a prayer for him .
By the way, I won the fancy dress !!!, I wasn't going to dress up, but Mary persuaded me to as she was going as Lord Nelson, she came second. I only had my Dracula stuff so I took it and this time I made up fully and added a bat to my shoulder, A bottle of bubbly and a box of chocs was my reward.
I didn't want to use that stuff again so had to leave it with the porter, I didn't dare just leave it in the room as the poor chambermaid would think there had been a murder with all the blood. hee, hee.
We should have gone home on Friday but things didn't quite turn out as we planned. I'll let you know about that later.
Off out now, and catch up a bit tomorrow.

If you come on here looking for some mind-blowing conversation or profound words of wisdom, well you've come to the wrong place and will be disappointed. I'm just an ordinary bod who likes to share my day with anyone who cares to listen. Tales of my dogs, my garden, my family and happenings in my life that I feel might just be amusing....If you're happy with that, draw up a chair, light up a ciggie if you wish or have a cup of tea and make yourself at home.
Ruby and Tango

Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango
I never get bored reading your blogs Arlene, your holiday sounds like fun and exciting too with the storm on the ferry crossing.
ReplyDeleteI do believe in healing prayers so will definately keep your friend in my prayers.
Those doctors aren't always right, my cancer team told me I'd probably not last more than 5 years with my type of it and here I am. Sounds like your friend has a very good upbeat attitude, this I think is probably what is helping him immensely. Will say a prayer for his wife too.
I just said a prayer for your friend that the Lord will heal his body and grant him many more years to spend with his wife and family.
ReplyDeleteNever boring Arelene sorry to hear about your friend hope he has many ,many years a head of him.
ReplyDeleteI used to love Gerald Durrell's books