Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Once... an accident, twice....sheer carelessness

As some of you may know I make my own bread, Yesterday evening i put all the ingredients in the machine set it and sat down to watch Television, After about an hour and after the last knead I take the paddles out of the dough otherwise they stick in the bread and getting them out can leave great holes.

A while later I thought I could smell burning, I was right, smoke was pouring out of the vent of the BMaker, wooooooooooooooo panic, pull out the plug, it;s electric so i can’t use water. I opened the lid I realized I’d done what I’d done before………………….Left the recipe instruction leaflet in the machine between the pan and the outside casing. and it was smouldering, Quickly pulled it out with tongs and threw it in the sink, took a chance and replugged the beast to carry on baking, well I needed the bread for breakfast, Glad to say it cooked, but the recipe booklet was totally a write off and the bottom of the bread pan was full of charred paper.

Next morning I went into the kitchen and almost choked the smell was overpowering, so the morning was spent spraying with Febreze flapping the air with a dishcloth and opening all the windows.

I’ve cleaned out the BMaker and left it outside to drain, fingers crossed it will dry out and be serviceable for my next loaf on Saturday, if not I’ve already earmarked what make and model my next one will be.

Thank you for visiting and please come back, Arlene, Tango and Ruby


  1. Oh how horrible. At least the load was saved. Lucky you were around to smell the smoke, can't image if the paper caught fire and did more damage. Oh our scattered brains, I am getting so much worse forgetting stuff. Happy Spring

    1. Hi Carrie, nice to see you back, and yes I was lucky I will try and be more careful

  2. How awful that happened!! You could have been in serious trouble id you hadn't smelled the smoke. xx

    1. Hi Beth, Yes I'm aware of how stupid I was, especially second time around, I shall go and sit on the naughty step to ponder my wayward thoughts. LOL XX

  3. Oh Dear! Thank goodness for Febreze cause smells can drive you crazy.

    1. Quite right Terry, Febreze is a good cover up for all sorts of whiffy's :-) the smell is only just beginning to go as I've had all the doors open too. lovely to see you. X

  4. Oh my, glad you figured out what was burning and fixed the problem right away. How was the bread? A little smokey. :-) Who knows it might taste good with a little smoke. Next time try some apple wood, it might taste a little better.

    1. Hiya Horst, nice to see you too, and as I said I was lucky, and actually the bread was OK, but I've got the constitution of a goat anyhows, Applewood ? that sounds good, it's a pity I chopped my apple tree down not so long ago, but I'm sure there must be someone who has some. BUT, I don't intend trying to burn the house down again. XX Hope you are well


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