Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Friday, 4 April 2014

A boring couple of days

Been trying to get the garden into shape for summer, maybe one year I will be able to spend a summer in the garden without feeling guilty about sitting on my derriere, Every year there seems to be more and more to do, or maybe it’s because I’m getting older I’m just getting slower, ?

Today I planted a Deutzia, Weigala , a climbing rose, Grisillena and two pots of sweet peas, let’s hope they all take.

My garden gets over-run with Lesser Celandine, it’s been the bane of my life, as it covers the flower beds and smothers so many plants, forget sowing seeds, I also get a horrible stinking onion smelling bulb with a white flower, I did look it up for a name one time but forgot it now, it , like the celandine, spreads all over the garden, I’ve pretty much given up sowing flowers direct and they’re confined to containers, and I’ll stick to shrubs.

I took a tumble to-day, nothing serious, but isn’t it funny how when you get older, when you fall, you don’t just sort of fall on your knees or anything, you seem to roll as each bit you fall on crumbles and you eventually land up on your face. I’ll be stiff in the morning I’ll bet. no damage was done, but I got a bit wet as I’d been watering the plants and the decking was slippery.

Well that’s it for now, I hope to get the lawn mown to-morrow, it makes the whole garden look so much better.Oh, By the way, Zak just loves coming out in the garden and faffing around, and it has stirred Ruby into coming out too, where she used to just stay indoors on her bed, she’s probably worried she’ll miss something. LOL

Thank you for visiting and please come back, Arlene, Tango and Ruby

1 comment:

  1. Oh Arlene hope you are ok from that tumble. I find there is more to do each year out there in the garden , getting slower me thinks.Hope you got that lawn mowed to.
    Hugs Sheila x


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