Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Just to say

Well I never managed to get the lawns mowed to-day, it started off with a fine drizzle, and kept up all day, By tea time when I was going to take out the dogs it was raining stair rods, so it was back to waterproofs for the three of us. , and a short walk, It stopped when I got home !  never mind there's always tomorrow. Taliking of which, my son in law Martin is coming over tomorrow to wallpaper my bathroom, I think I metioned I stripped the walls, I bought a new carpet for it and the hall, they got delivered yesterday and I discovered the underlay hadn't been included, they said it will be here on Monday, luckily I'm not ready for it'
Uesterday I bought a couple of bits for my card crafting, and couldn't wait to have a little play, but one of the die cutters just wouldn't cut through the card, so i had a trip into town hoping it could be changed, no such luck. so the £4 '50p went back ionto my purse, no doubt I'll find something else to spend it on.
Here's a little joke to make you smile,

 Scottish Wedding
At the Scottish wedding reception the D.J. yelled..."Would all married men please stand next to the one person who has made your life worth living."
-- The bartender was almost crushed to death.

Thank you for visiting and please come back, Arlene, Tango and Ruby


  1. I am sure your bathroom will look lovely when it is all done!

    LOL on the joke!

  2. Thank you Beth, it's all finished and it does look good, nice and fresh.

  3. HAHAHHAA , I LOVE that bartender! When I want a good hard belly laugh, I know where to come every time. How I have missed it!
    Hey, I have a Deutzia I'll give you. The darn thing takes over everything. I used to wail and carry on when Mom would have it cut almost to the ground; I'd yell, "Noooo, nooooo, you're killing it!" She said, "You don't know this damn tree; nothing kills it and goes over the top of the garage, covers the door so you can't get in, and tries to take the Lilac tree with it. You'll see one day, you'll see". I saw. I cut the hell out of it every year and it's still taking over. Come get it!!!!

    By the way, may I borrow Martin? ;)


    1. I'm heading out on the next plane Jenny, I'll rescue the poor tree, at least till mine gets big enough to take over, LOL,


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