Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Slugs and snails and big dog's tails

Woke up this morning g to a dull dismal day, Looking out of the window saw it was raining ….hard
Oh well I thought, it will bed in the latest shrubs and Geraniums I planted in the last week.
Lots of plants have been badly eaten with slugs, with one particular Chrysanthemum reduced to nothing more than a few spindly stems, I get so cross.
To help protect some plants I cut the bottom from a large plastic flower pot and put it over the plant and put in some slug pellets, I don’t like using them, but this way the slugs that get in will succumb and die inside the pots, it has saved quite a few.
It was my day to pick Barney up and I thought to myself, great, three wet dogs to-day, can’t be helped so did our walk all of us kitted up for the weather.
When I came back home I decided to check out the plants, I removed 15 snails and 7 slugs, some had been caught by the pellets, and some were a bit away from the plants but heading in their direction.  I popped them in a plastic bag with some pellets and disposed of them in the dustbin. End of slimy creatures.
Not the nicest of days and they don’t give out much hope for an improvement over the weekend. I’m glad I’ve done all my planting but there are a few jobs I would have liked to get on with, Never mind the sun will shine again. Enjoy your day.

Thank you for visiting and please come back, Arlene, Tango and Ruby


  1. Yucky!! I do not like touching them, they are so slimy feeling. Glad you are getting rid of them before they damage all of your plants. Thank you so much for all your thoughts, and comments about my sweet Snookums. She is still resting comfortable and sleeping a lot. Hugs for you and nose kisses for Ruby and Zak.

  2. I couldn't agree more Maggie, and the fact that you, and dogs, can contact the horrible Lungworm disease from them doesn't endear them further, I do hope Snookums will get better, sleep is a helpful balm. keep strong and positive, Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.


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