Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Playing catchup

I have been on here for two hours and I think I've just about caught up with some of my friends who have visited, I'm beginning to think I will have to employ a dog walker, cleaner and gardener if I want to get topsides of this blogging business, there is just not enough time to do all the wonderful things that there is to do, and uncover all the delights that are 'under the bonnet' to quote Lady P [who's WP blog is pretty cool], but I am sacrificing TV for another evening to communicate with as many as I can.
Thank you to all of you for commenting in my Guest book, putting that up is about my finest achievement on here, so I appreciate it being used.
Now that the preliminaries are out of the way I want to show off my latest painting.....well somebody did ask to see it when it was finished. ! also I'm hoping to put up some of my fuchsias into the photos page, and don't shout at me if it doesn't work, just give me a gentle nudge, it wouldn't take much for me to abandon this malarkey and go on to Tweeter, so treat me kindly.
I was reading yesterday that Johnny Depp [drool, sigh] modelled   Captain Jack Sparrow on Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones , as he idolised [?] his piratical  persona, and also managed to land him a cameo role as his father in Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and is making a documentary of him during the filming of the fourth, so he won't have any time for you OR me Pen, sorry.
here's the pic of Barney, I walk him twice a week for a friend., and her mother asked me to paint a portrait for a Christmas present for her,


  1. Awesome portrait Arlene. You are a very talented lady!

  2. You've done a beautiful job of painting Barney. I don't think I'd ever be that good at painting or anywhere close for that matter.
    Keith Richards does have a pirate look about him, doesn't he?

  3. A God given talent, Arlene, A beautiful portrait.

  4. Just love the painting, you've done a brilliant job.

  5. What a wonderful Christmas Prescent Arlene it is really lovely well done. I must check out your guestbook now. have a great day. Sheila x

  6. Barney Looks wonderful Arlene, I can almost see him breathing..
    and thanks for all your comments on WP, in fact I replied on your WP site, but when I looked at other comments they were dated 01/10 so I thought I'd best drop in here. Thanks for the mention...(blush!!). and sorry about the size of the comment font, but It's apparently the 'Theme' itself..and I can't change it myself (daren't tinker there) I'm stuck for the time being 'cos I like the set-up..
    I knew about JD modeling Capt Jack on Keith Richards, and I saw a recent piccie of Keith, wow he looks like 160, just shows what drugs 'n stuff will do. (good job I am such a clean living soul ;-) !!!)
    keep rocking dude!!....xPenx

  7. Hey Arlene , I've just tweeted your blog on 'twitter '. Technology ...ain't it wonderful?
    I must I must, let go of the mouse and ....go!!! lol!!

  8. Shucks, thanks folks, but I won't pretend he was easy, the colour was a bit of a nightmare, when I took him for a walk last week I was chasing him around with a colour chart of daubed paint colours to try ad get a match, as the first time it was too red, then too brown, too yellow, I hope fingers crossed it's about right now, give me a collie any day it's a bit like painting by numbers , just get the black and white bits in the right place.
    Pen, how did you do that 'tweeted it' I wonder if I'll get any new visitors, let's see, Stephen Fry's big on there eh?? or am I barking up the wrong tree.
    I agree Keith R looks real debauched, he's like something that's been dug up.So glad that neither me nor mine ever did any of that stuff.
    And yes Robyn he does look 'piratical, if you look hard enough, but he isn't a patch on JD.

  9. Blast,I forgot to 'open in a new tab' and left this page and it's lost my comment...
    YES I said, (sorry!! trying to wake up my brain cells)..Stephen Fry does tweet on Twitter. AND I'm stalking er..following him. AND he's never replied directly...(I know he has thousands of followers but...rude I calls it!!)
    This is why I left the the link for you...Just join up and start 'following' people .. and there's no police involved... 'well guvner..I was only clicking on his tweet' You could say!!
    Try it out...worth it just for the experience ...I have ten followers, (not good) and I'm slowly learning what to do..
    BUT the trouble is..more to occupy me on this PC of mine..BESS is not well pleased...xx

  10. Oh Pen I can see Tango filling his little knotted hanky with goodies and leaving home if I spend more time on this durn machine, but what the heck, I'll give it a try, He wouldn't go far as he knows what side his bread's buttered. I like that, twitting on his cleek or tweeting on his click, oh, you know what I mean.

  11. Oh...Update...I've found A Johnny Depp to follow on Twitter.(there are apparently three others on here so who's the real one?) Hmm..who cares? Following like crazy!!! xPenx

  12. PS/ AND if you've joined Twittering Twitter...let me know your addy...and I'll follow you too... Lol!! x

  13. What on earth is 'twittering twitter' Pen,

  14. Awesome portrait of Barney, looks great, they should be very please with your artwork.

  15. Love the portrait Arlene, i think if and when i get back to good old England i may start painting again, it is too hot here for painting so i just do drawing in pencil...easy to rub out misstakes which there are plenty of ha ha
    Been trying to get guestbook on my blog but i think i keep doing it wrong as it has not come out like yours with a nice welcome sign i might try again when i have done this.

  16. yea! you're not the only one playing catch-up! Thanks for your visit to mine btw :) Always great to see you...and Tango...and cake!! lol The pic of Barney is brilliant :) You are very talented!


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