Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Clever lawyer [just passing the time]

Can't think of anything to blog about so I thought this would keep you all amused, damn under lines, I can't get rid of them, sorry.
Most Intelligent Lawyer


  1. LOL!!!!! This was a good one!

  2. I can't see for laughing! Best lawyer joke I ever heard (and my father was one,, not the joke)
    PS/if the underlines keep on, just click on the "U" one more time and that should stop it. Underlines keep on forever until we click them again -- one to start them and one to stop.

  3. The money's gone, I got there first in case anyone is thinking of it.

  4. Damn and blast it, Arlene, I came searching here for it too, checked out WordPress and couldn't find it there either... Ah well, what you don't have you never miss....( rubbish!! yahoo..,JD where are you? ) xPenx
    and Bess send licks and woofs to Tango and Ruby!!)

  5. Ah did you think that wicked pirate was going to help you out,? eh ? tuff tottie, tell him to confine his activities to the Caribbean looking for Black Pearls and leave my dollars alone.
    Tango and Ruby are sending you sympathetic licks and hugs too.

  6. The lines have disappeared on their own Jenny, but thanks.

  7. Just dropping by to say HI, Arlene, hope the weathers treating you ok, we've had slightly warmer temps and no rain for what seems like ages, ( now it'll change I betcha!!) ...
    thanks for the hugs and licks, and right back atcha with interest!! ....woofs and hugs from Her Maj and me.. xx

  8. atcha' you mean?.. as in back at you, returning the favour sorta thing... ;-) ..... and I hope the cheque isn't post dated.... I used to pull that trick when I worked in accounts!! ..sigh..wonderful days...xx
    xPen 'n' Bessx


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