Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Sunday, 30 January 2011

The weekend

Glad you all liked the folks, Sandi, Hi, lovely to see you on here must catch up.
Had friends for dinner Sat, so busy cooking etc, and son in law came up with his dogs to-day and we all went for a walk. We had a bit of a giggle on Sat night, I said as Ruby was in season I'd been walking the dogs up by the burial ground, as it was nice and quiet, one wag said, 'well of course, they're all dead' Ha ha, bloody ha.


  1. Here it is, Sunday morning here, and I haven't even fixed my coffee yet. Laughing without being totally awake is a real feat but you did it to me. Arlene, I swear, you are so funny :D

  2. Thanks for the smile this morning.

  3. It's nice to start the day with a smile folks. glad I was the bearer.


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