Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Finished kitchen

Good morning Bloggers here at last, if you haven't all drifted off, is the pics I said I would take of the kitchen finished,
First thank you for the comments on my previous post, a little joke to keep you amused, and steady on Chip, don't over do it, you knows the moral of the tale.
Woke up to a wet and windy Sunday morning, so it's on with the rain coats for a walk shortly.
Avril and I didn't go out for a meal yesterday as the weather was sunny and pleasant, so we're off to-day my treat to thank her for all her help during the chaotic refit.

It's still not completely finished, I have to have a new window above the sink and of course decorated, but that will be a little while yet. but at least it is habitable and I have my lounge back.
that's it for now, off to brave the weather with the dogs, catch you all [?] later



    Ha ha we have to pay to come in now ?

  2. Woopeeee !!Arlene I bet you are indeed relieved , looking good. Hope you enjoyed your Lunch with Avril might that be a roast dinner.xxSheila and Wile-e , hugs to Ruby and Tango and you. xx

  3. came by for a second look, being nosy too I guess and I hope you and Avril have a great meal out today. 'tis wet and windy here..Yukky, but at least her Maj has been played with, although it doesn't stop her wanting to sell things on Ebay!! Now where's my VR gone now? xPenx

  4. Your counter is beautiful! Those colors look so good together. What a relief to be done, isn't it?

  5. It is all coming together very nicely. Looks really good!


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