Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Thursday, 17 February 2011

In Reply etc.

Hi folks in reply to last blog,
Well went for out walk this morning but nothing left just some police  tape tied to a rock, oh well at least it wasn't what our worst fears were,that  maybe it was perhaps a body or dog that got washed up. Drama over with a bit of a damp squib.
Yes Sheila I take both dogs out together, and when I've got Barney twice weekly, the three of them, they are absolutely no trouble, they just mope around doing their own thing. And yes Beth I am very lucky where I live with many walks,  woods, river, beach and meadows.
The sea has been pretty rough for a few days, and when I was out this morning there was some stupid woman throwing a ball into the waves for her dogs, the dogs wouldn't go in far, wisely, but she kept trying to encourage them, I couldn't take much more, so went down to the water's edge and asked her if she would be prepared to go in after her dogs should they get into difficulty, she said they were collies,  very intelligent and had a brain, so I told her she should perhaps borrow it when she went out and she'd be as intelligent as they were, two or three others joined in and told her how irresponsible she was, and all she kept saying was that one was 12 and hadn't died yet, and they had a brain.  something wrong with her obviously.

I got sent this photo and thought I'd share it with you
When you think you've had enough of winter.


  1. I have to say the lady was missing a few marbles.
    Love the snowman.

  2. Missing a few marbles I like that GG, I AGREE WHAT A SILLY woman. Wow thats different yes sick if winter it says it all. Hugs Sheilax


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