Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Friday, 25 April 2014

Didn't it rain......children

The weather girl said it would rain and the weather map showed rain but not until around 11 o'clock, so why was it raining at 7'am when I got up to beat it?? I was not happy, Anyhow, we got wrapped up back to the waterproofs and went out, we got wet, very wet, I was not amused.

Oh well as a friend of mine says in her best Scots...'it's only watter' and I suppose she's right, so I spent the day indoors thinking of what to do, I changed the curtains from the winter weight to the summer ones, I'm hoping Mother Nature takes the hint. It cleared up around tea time and we managed a dry walk.

Poor Zak is coughing and wheezing, I don't know if I mentioned, but one side of his larynx is paralysed, and he has been eating the rough couch grass which has obviously irritated his throat, poor chap he sounds quite stressed. I shall give him a small knob of butter which seemed to help last time.

I haven't seen my little hedgehog this evening, I'll check shortly to see if the food I left has been eaten.

 Some girl friends are coming up to-morrow evening for a game of cards, a natter and some snacks.

That's it for now folks.

Thank you for visiting and please come back, Arlene, Tango and Ruby


  1. Though I know rain is important I too hate it when it comes and a time I'm ready for. I hope Zak if better.

    1. Hi Terry, We've been rain one day, sun the next but it's not too cold thankfully. Zak is a bit like the weather too one day good, then a bad bit, but he appears to be able to live with it, |Thanks for calling by.

  2. The weather man is rarely ever right. I am sorry you all got wet! xx

    1. Too true Beth. but to-day was a lovley one. X

  3. Well I do hope the sun is shinning on you again.

    1. We've had a couple of lovely days with some nice sunshine Carrie,, though the wind is a bit chill, but after all it's only May, so it should be warming up shortly, fingers crossed. Thanks for dropping by.


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