Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Living things.

Hi Folks, I’m trying to keep blogging, use it or lose it, I know that many have stopped and gone to Face Book and I too am guilty, but I still prefer to blog, if I can find the words to tell a story,
Well I haven’t seen my little visitor since he toddled off after his supper, but I have lots of nooks and crannies with shrubs, and hidey holes where I’m sure he’s been able to set up home. I also have clean water left out at ground level for the birds that are too shy to come to the fountain, so he won’t go thirsty, and I get lots, in fact zillions of slugs and snails he shouldn’t go hungry. Oh well I can say I’ve done my best for him.
 The birds in the garden and roundabout have been exceptionally busy, as it is of course the breeding season, and if they’re not nesting or flirting they’re feeding babies, the sheeps wool I hung up in the bird feeder is a sorry looking mess and almost gone.
I got a bit fed up filling up the bird’s feeding station and the nuts being scoffed by the pigeons and magpies, with a visit from a jay, I put inch wide mesh round the bird table, the tits, robins and all little birds can get through the squares but not the pigeons, who are so big and fat they’d need a barn door, BUT the magpie is so crafty, he pops in the top where I had to leave space to refill, Fortunately he doesn’t  stay long, so I turn a blind eye, not like the pigeons, who will scoff a weeks supply in one sitting. Let’s see if I can find a picture of it. Found one, also here’s a pic of a blue tit pulling some sheep’s wool from a rolled up piece of plastic

Here’s another pic of my old Wellingtons having a new lease of life,

Well folks That’s about it for now, I wrote more than I thought I would and it’s near bedtime.  Catch you later.

Thank you for visiting and please come back, Arlene, Tango and Ruby


  1. A very nice blog today Arlene! I do imagine your little friend has found him a great hidey hole but he will pop up again sooner or later! xx

  2. I do hope so Beth, he was a bit small, but as the weather isn't too cold he should be OK fingers crossed.

  3. Lovely blog Arlene :) The netting round the bird table is a really good idea, but to be honest I only feed the birds in the Winter as I think they should be digging up worms and things by now!! We also have a little visitor, or maybe two - little field mice in the shed, who love bird food too....if they become too much of a problem we will get one of those plug in things to deter them, but it is lovely to see them scampering around out there. However we haven't found out where their nest is yet, and I have a horrible feeling that when we get our garden recliners out of storage we might just find that nest...Love to you and Ruby xxx
    ps just put a new blog up myself :)

    1. Hi Val, lovely to see you on here, I am so in need of followers. LOL, just how do the lucky people manage to get 30/40+,
      Anyhow, I know you're absolutely right about not feeding the birds in summer, and everytime I think about not stocking up the table, I get a flush of birds all tucking in, just how do you turn your back on them ? I bet you're bottom dollar, you'll find that little mouse has made good use of your recliners, it's not just the damage, you just can't get rid of the smell, I cleared everything that was mouse nest building material from the shed or at least put it in plastic containers, and so far has worked. I'm now going to check your new blog. Love from me Ruby and Zak, my latest orphan.


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