Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Another day in Chaos-land

Well here I am again probably boring you about my kitchen, sorry if I am.
Anyhow, I went to bed at ten, and woke up 3.15 am and couldn't get back to sleep, eventually got up at 6.30.
Did the usual morning stuff, and waited for the carpenter, he was held up in traffic and didn't turn up till 9. I could have had another hour in bed. sigh.
Took dogs out for a good run, met Karen my daughter for lunch and gave her her birthday presents, Craig [grandson] turned up to wish his Mum happy Birthday, she was pleased he took a day off work.
Set off for home at 4 pm and walked dogs on way,
He'd done quite a lot more and it's taking shape nicely, I think he'll finish by to-morrow, The new sink is in but not plumbed, so it's still a case of using the bathroom sink for washing up and water supply. How do people in third world countries cope with a pump in the street for about 30 families, we take it so much for granted.
I've been emailed lots of jokes, but I'll see if I get any response from this blog before I post any more.maybe people find them offensive. oh well we'll see.
That's it for now.


  1. I love reading about your kitchen makeover Arlene. Never boring to me.

    As for flour, it is always plain flour unless stated as self rising. A substitute for buttermilk would be to decrease the milk by 1 tablespoon and add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice stirred into the milk.

  2. You got a nice break having lunch with your Daughter. I enjoy your kitchen makeovers and looking forward to the end results. And yes we do take a lot for granted.

  3. Hi Arlene! It's been a while since I've been on here, so really must try to write another blog...but it just isn't the same since we left WLS!
    Our kitchen will probably take another couple of years, as we don't have a carpenter to fit it...though Robert does say he's going to get on with it in April, when he has time off work. Hmmm...!
    Glad you've had a lovely day...X

  4. Well Arlene sounds as if that kitchen is sure coming along nicely. Lovely to hear you had a great time with your daughter. Looking forward to seeing your kitchen up and running. I bet you can't wait either, to say the least. Hugs Sheila and Wile-e xxHope Tango and Ruby are enjoying those long walks.


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