Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Kitchen day 3

Thanks for your comments folks, I thought I'd been sent to Coventry. ;-)
Thanks for comments, first thanks Beth for the explanation of flour and the hint for Buttermilk. good to know that for future ref.
Yes we had a nice day, ate too much at lunch though.,but it was a nice break gr, gran, I'm lucky having two nice daughters and we are good friends.
Nice to hear from you Sandi, I agree it's not the same as WLS and though I have got more used to it, I still don't think it's as good, I find it more difficult to keep tabs on comments, and it's not so easy to reply to them, and often don't know if they've been read, sigh, oh well I'll carry on for a while, but do post again, it will be nice to hear from you, I miss Anne's posts, though sometimes catch up with her on FB.
The kitchen is finished, or well to be more accurate, the units are all finished, I now have to get a price for a new window, as the carpenter says I've been quoted too much so far. Then it has to be decorated,  I'll take a photo tomorrow and post what's been done, I am pleased as I've got more cupboard space.

Tango and Ruby are enjoying all these extra walks Sheila, I hope they're burning up some calories off me, I wish!  Will-ee would love to join us I'm sure.
Ruby went to the vet for the first time to-day, and arrangements are made to have her teeth cleaned, two weeks form to-day, and a date for her to be speyed in May.
She behaved impeccably, and the vet thought she was a little sweetie.


  1. I agree with you Arlene i miss WLS as well..god knows why thy have to change these things
    Look forward to seeing finished kitchen

  2. I miss the old days in the beginning of WLS. It was fun. I still have a few of my old friends from the very beginning and that is nice.
    I will be looking forward to seeing new pics of your kitchen.

  3. Hi Arlene oh you must be pleased can't wait to see the finished kitchen. To have more cupboard space must be brilliant for you to. Did you get rid of those teapots and keep one or two? How wonderful Ruby was a good girl at the vets usually they head for the door, good girl. Enjoy your day Hugs Sheilaxand Wile-e

  4. I'll look forward to seeing the photo's Arlene,
    sound like the new kitchen will look a treat...
    You know I spend most of my time on WP and find I can hardly keep the two, Blogger and WP, going with the free time I have...Poor Bess is launching a petition to get me away from this darn PC, I do try and keep up but she keeps trying to trip me and hides the PC chair!!
    Good to hear about Ruby, hope the teeth cleaning goes well. (Bess just grimaced)
    hugs, licks and woofs to you, Tango and Ruby, from her Maj and me...xx

  5. Hi, Arlene! I'm finally starting to catch up on my blog list after a few days under the weather. I miss the ease of keeping up with comments that we had on WLS, too. I've gotten the hang of Blogger and Wordpress and use Google Reader to follow my favorite blogs but sometimes, like today, when I haven't been online much I come back to find hundreds of posts waiting for me. Right now I have over 300 more to catch up on! Pet the critters for me!


Make my day, leave a comment.....Please? I appreciate every one and will do my best to reply.