Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

This week

Hi folks, I’ve slipped behind a bit again, but I have a good reason, well I think it is, I’ve been looking after my friend Sue’s dogs since last Tuesday, I think I may have mentioned I was having them. They have been very good and the weather, thankfully, has been kind, it would have been hard work had it rained, four dogs means a lot of wet towels. Though it did rain for our pm walk, not too much at first but it got heavier so we cut it short, just in time.
Here is a couple of pics of them
This is Nettle on the left Strudel on the right with Ruby in the background. .Ruby in the middle sept 2013
sue's three and ruby This one has got Widget in the middle and I managed to get Ruby to join in, she is not the most confident of dogs and needs a lot of coaxing.
Sue is flying back tonight and will be picking them up tomorrow sometime, bet they’ll go wild.
strudels winThis is Strudel when she won a Test B in Obedience competition, so proud of her and Sue, as she’s not an easy dog.
On a different subject, I read an advert for squeezing the last of the toothpaste from the tube, called ‘Tube – Wringer’ at a cost of £16 !! maybe I’m a tightwad but I just cut the top two inches off the tube, and scoop it out with the brush, I get about another 6 helpings out.................. £16, they must be bonkers.
Bye for now folks, Be good to yourselves. just in case no one else is. XX
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  1. What beautiful dogs. I can see why you've been busy.

    1. Thank you Terry, I'm just pleased the weather held out.

  2. The dogs are gorgeous. You are a good friend, watching the dogs.

    1. She looks after mine, so, one good turn..... hope you are well.

    2. She looks after mine, so, one good turn..... hope you are well.

  3. I think that shot of the Dogs is just great Arlene , what a pose..hands full I see glad the weather was kind . Makes it a bit easier , what with towels etc. Strudel is so cute mmm.
    Hugs Sheila x

    1. Hi Sheila, I hadn't had an email that you had posted, so sorry for delay,
      I think Strudel is Sue's favourite.:-) Widget is mine as I helped train her as a pup. Thanks for comment. XX

    2. Hi Sheila, I hadn't had an email that you had posted, so sorry for delay,
      I think Strudel is Sue's favourite.:-) Widget is mine as I helped train her as a pup. Thanks for comment. XX


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