Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Trying to catch up

Trying to catch up folks, Monday was a bit bland so I've skipped it.
Caught up with the washing as the weather was favourable. Then went out  with Ruby to pick Barney up for his walk. 
My friend Sue is going to America for  a holiday and I'm having three of her dogs., Widget,Strudel and Nettle. Tula is going to  another friend as four is enough for me plus  Barney on Thursday, so please bear with me if I fall behind with my post. and they arrived, all full of life and bounce, all I want is NO RAIN  and I can cope quite well. 
Ruby just takes it all in her stride, she's quite used to them and i'd imagine she just thinks, "as long as my Mum's still around, life's good"
It's now Thursday so I'm going to try and recall what happened on Wednesday, bet I can't. 

Thank you for visiting and please come back, Arlene, Tango and Ruby

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck Arlene hope you have a Fab time with all those Lovely Doggies..Comment left on WP to this post.
    Hugs Sheila xx


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