Ruby and Tango

Ruby and Tango
Me 'n' Ruby and of course Tango

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

A couple of party photos

Hi Folks I managed to get a couple of photos taken before it got too busy, several of my friends took some too, I won [doing a little jig] a box of Maltesers, I'm holding them in one, There were a couple of little lads there, the grandsons of a member the littlest about 4 was mesmerised when I came in,. I just hope he didn't have nightmares, he asked his Nan who brought them was it real blood . Bless!
I was going to put white make up on, but decided not to in case I couldn't get it off I don't mind a bit of the Dust Springfield eyes, but draw the line at Coco the clown.

Dracula's bride aka Arlene 


  1. That would give me, glad you won

  2. Ahhhh Arlene that would give me shivers down my spine. Seems the evening went down well I see hope you enjoyed your prize yummy.Well done LOL.

  3. That's a really good costume! How funny that the little 4 year old asked if that was real blood! lol

  4. What a picture... Looks like a fun night Arlene, any Maltesers left?..(you can see my minds fixated on the chocolate)...I hesitate to ask... but ...The blood, who's was it? ;-) xPenx

  5. You look . . . er, simply to die for!

  6. You look very frightening. Good job with the costume and the makeup.

  7. That is soooo scarey, you wicked woman!

  8. Arlene the party animal. The scarry party animal.


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